Strike 3 Holdings LLC Adds DC to Lawsuit Campaign – ISP Subpoena Defense
Antonelli Law, BitTorrent, California, Comcast Notice of Copyright Infringement, Connecticut, copyright infringement, D.C., DC, District of Columbia, Fox Rothschild, ISP letter, Jacqueline M. James, Michigan, Motion to Quash Subpoena, New Jersey, New York, Optimum Online, Popcorn Time, Strike 3 Holdings LLC, Tushy, Vixen, Waiver of Service of Summons

STRIKE 3 HOLDINGS ISP Subpoena: STRIKE 3 HOLDINGS , the movie company behind the adult entertainment brands Tushy, Vixen, and Blacked is suing DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (WASHINGTON, DC), CALIFORNIA, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, MICHIGAN, AND PENNSYLVANIA area users for using computer file-sharing software to obtain its movie for free. Did you