Court Allows Subpoenas to Reveal Hawaiian Telecom Downloaders of “Cell” Movie – Cell Film Holdings LLC
Earlier this month, we reported that Cell Film Holdings LLC had begun suing Hawaiian Telecom users who allegedly downloaded the movie “Cell” starring John Cusak and Samuel Jackson. If true, this would be in violation of the US Copyright Act.
On August 10th 2016 the District Court of Hawaii granted Cell Film Holdings LLC’s request and ordered Hawaiian Telecom to release the names of those Hawaiian Telecom subscribers as described below.
Hawaiian Telecom users in Hawaii, Honolulu, and Maui counties can expect to receive letters from Hawaiian Telecom informing them that a subpoena from Cell Film Holdings LLC was received to reveal their identity.
If you receive a letter from Hawaiian Telecom that informs you a subpoena was received to reveal their identity, click here to learn about motions to quash or call Antonelli Law at 312-201-8310 or use the contact form below.
Attorneys: Don’t risk malpractice trying to represent a client in a copyright lawsuit where the loser pays statutory and attorneys fees. We accept attorney referrals and are very experienced in this specialized litigation and have helped Hawaiian clients in these cases.
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Cell Film Holdings, LLC is represented in the District of Hawaii by The Law Office Of Gregory A. Ferren of Honolulu.
District of Hawaii
Cell Film Holdings, LLC v. Does 1-10 1:16-cv-00441
For immediate advice and a free initial consultation call attorney Antonelli Law at 312-201-8310 or fill out our simple contact page or email us with a request to call you back at a time that is convenient for you. We understand the shock you may be feeling from receiving a notice of this action, and have the experience to help you deal with this in the best way possible for you. Attorney referrals accepted.

Order granting Hawaii Telecom Subpoenas to issue 16-00441
(1) Plaintiff is allowed to serve Rule 45 subpoenas
on Hawaiian Telcom to obtain the name and addresses
of each subscriber associated with the IP addresses
on the dates set forth in Exhibit 1 to the
(2) Plaintiff shall serve a copy of this Order with
any subpoenas issued pursuant to this Order.
(3) The subpoenas authorized by this Order shall be
deemed appropriate court orders under 47 U.S.C.
§ 551.
(4) Hawaiian Telcom shall have 30 days from the
date of service upon them to serve the subscribers
of the IP addresses with a copy of the subpoenas
and a copy of this Order. Hawaiian Telcom may
serve the subscribers by any reasonable means,
including written notice sent to the subscriber’s
last known address via first class mail.
(5) The subscribers shall have 30 days from the
date of service upon them to file any motions in
this court contesting the subpoena. If that 30-day
period lapses without a subscriber contesting the
subpoena, Hawaiian Telcom shall have 10 days to
produce the information responsive to the subpoenas
to Plaintiff.
(6) After Hawaiian Telcom is properly served with
Rule 45 subpoenas as detailed above, Hawaiian
Telcom shall preserve all subpoenaed information
pending the delivery of such information to
Plaintiff or the resolution of a timely filed and
granted motion to quash the subpoena with respect
to such information.
(7) Any information disclosed to Plaintiff in
response to a subpoena may be used by Plaintiff
solely for the purpose of protecting its rights
under the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 101, et seq.\
Click to learn more about Cell Film Holdings, LLC