Category: I.T. Productions

I.T. Productions Lawsuits: Sued in Colorado – Free Consultation With Antonelli Law Defense

I.T. Productions LLC – the movie company behind the movie “I.T” starring Pierce Brosnan, James Frecheville and Anna Friel – are suing Colorado internet users who allegedly illegally downloaded the movie for free. What is Happening To Colorado Internet Users by I.T. Productions? Many people are being targeted in movie download copyright

New Video Series From Antonelli Law on BitTorrent Copyright Infringement Defense

New Video Series From Antonelli Law on BitTorrent Copyright Infringement Defense After representing nearly 2,000 clients across the country facing BT copyright infringement and satellite piracy claims, Antonelli Law has developed a series of short videos explaining a number of issues that arise in this niche area of federal litigation. We expect

I.T. Productions LLC Targets Colorado Comcast Subscribers in Court -Information and Help from Antonelli Law

I.T. Productions LLC – the movie company behind the movie “I.T” starring Pierce Brosnan, James Frecheville and Anna Friel – has been filing federal copyright infringement lawsuits against Colorado internet users and in other states who allegedly illegally downloaded the movie for free.  If you are being targeted in one of these

I.T. Productions LLC Sues Hawaiian Telecom Subscribers for “I.T.” Movie Downloads

I.T. Productions LLC – the movie company behind the movie “I.T” starring Pierce Brosnan, James Frecheville and Anna Friel –  is now suing Honolulu County internet subscribers using Hawaiian Telecom alleging they illegally downloaded the movie for free. The movie company has been filing similar movie download copyright lawsuits on the mainland

More IT Productions Lawsuits Filed – Colorado Internet Users Accused of Downloading “IT” Movie – Tips and Legal information from Antonelli Law

I.T. Productions LLC – the movie company behind the movie “I.T” starring Pierce Brosnan, James Frecheville and Anna Friel – has been filing federal copyright infringement lawsuits against Colorado internet users and in other states who allegedly illegally downloaded the movie for free.  If you are being targeted in one of these
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