Category: Minnesota

MALIBU MEDIA LLC Filed Lawsuits in 5 States This Week – ISP Subpoena Defense

MALIBU MEDIA LLC ISP Subpoena: MALIBU MEDIA LLC, the movie company behind the adult movies featured on the website filed lawsuits in 5 states this past week. Antonelli Law Defense has you covered in each of them. Malibu Media LLC is suing people across the country for supposedly downloading their movies

LHF Productions Fails to Serve Anyone in Minnesota – Or To Request Defendants’ Identities

LHF Productions, Inc. filed a lawsuit against 16 unknown “Does” in Minnesota federal court on August 31, 2016 alleging its movie “London Has Fallen” was illegal downloaded. Unless there is a sealed motion not revealed on the PACER docket, it appears from the docket that the movie company never served anybody, or

LHF Productions Inc. Lawsuits in Minnesota – Subpoenas Expected

On August 31st, LHF Productions Inc. sued 15  unnamed Minnesota residents for copyright infringement in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Burnsville and Chaska for  allegedly downloading the movie “London Has Fallen.” These residents are users of COMCAST internet. LHF Productions Inc. alleges these persons used file-sharing software such as BitTorrent to illegally download the
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