Update to Malibu Media LLC New York and CT Cases – Increased Downloads Alleged


In several lawsuits filed by Malibu Media LLC in New York and Connecticut, Antonelli Law has observed that within several weeks of the lawsuits’ complaint being filed, additional downloads of movies produced by Malibu Media LLC are alleged to have been downloaded by the unnamed defendant.

For example, in the Connecticut case of Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 16-cv-01252 against someone using Comcast in Danbury, CT in the original Complaint filed July 26 2016 Malibu Media LLC alleged only 12 works had been downloaded. But in an amended filing on August 3rd 2016 Malibu Media LLC alleged that 19 works had been downloaded. But file hashes for only 9 of the works are provided.

Similarly, In the New York case of Malibu Media LLC v. Doe  16-cv-05846 against someone using Verizon in Poughkeepsie, NY in the original Complaint filed on July 26th 2016 Malibu Media LLC alleged that 11 works had been downloaded. But in an amended filing on August 8th 2016 Malibu Media LLC alleged that 19 works had been downloaded. But file hashes for only 10 of the works are provided.

In neither of these two cases are the additional titles alleged in the amended filings downloaded after the  date the lawsuit was originally filed. Without file hashes for all the alleged downloads, it is difficult to see how these filings will either be judged to be defective, and/or yet another round of amended filings will occur.

If you are receive a letter from Comcast or Verison or another ISP that informs you of the copyright infringement allegations of Malibu Media LLC and your legal right to file a motion to quash or vacate the subpoena, call Antonelli Law at 312-201-8310 and we will explain each of your legal options. Or fill out the simple contact form below. We have represented over 500 clients across the country accused by Malibu Media LLC  of copyright infringement and know how to effectively and efficiently defend you. Our attorneys practice in any federal court due to federal court rules.


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Antonelli Law defends copyright troll cases in District Court of New York in affiliation with our local counsel
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05846
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 1:16-cv-05847
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 1:16-cv-05848
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 1:16-cv-05849
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 1:16-cv-05850
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05851
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05853
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05854
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05855
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05856
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05857
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05858
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05859
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05860
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05861
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05862
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05863
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05864
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05865
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05866
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 7:16-cv-05867

District of Connecticut
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01245
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01252
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01254
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01255
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01256
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01257
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01258
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01259
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01260
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01261
Malibu Media LLC v. Doe 3:16-cv-01262

Attorneys: Don’t risk malpractice in a copyright lawsuit where the  loser pays statutory and attorneys fees. We accept attorney referrals and are very experienced in this specialized litigation.

Malibu Media LLC New York cases


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