LHF Productions, Inc. serves ISP subpoenas in Ohio
LHF Productions, Inc. serves ISP subpoenas in Ohio: Wide Open West LLC, Cincinnati Bell, Frontier Communications
LHF Productions, Inc. served ISP subpoenas on July 5, 2016 demanding the identities of certain internet subscribers it alleges illegally torrented the Movie “London Has Fallen.” Those subscribers who pay the internet bill will soon receive letters from Wide Open West LLC, Cincinnati Bell, or Frontier Communications that their identity is being demanded relating to a federal copyright lawsuit alleging that the above movie was wrongfully downloaded.
If you are the account holder for an internet service provider (ISP), your name is linked to an IP address. If you receive an ISP letter informing you a subpoena was received to reveal your identity, click here to learn about motions to quash or call Antonelli Law at 312-201-8310 or use the contact form below.
Antonelli Law is the most experienced BT copyright defense firm in the country, and have represent copyright infringement defendants in Ohio federal court. Call us to learn your legal options. We will tell you the risks and benefits of each one.
Jeffrey Antonelli has been recognized by national and local media as representing many people accused of BitTorrent file-sharing of copyrighted work, including by Bloomberg BNA.
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Southern District of Ohio
LHF Productions, Inc. v. Does 1-17 2:16-cv-0498