Category: BitTorrent

Antonelli Law’s Attorneys in Chicago and Around the Country for BitTorrent Copyright Defense

Antonelli Law: Attorneys in Chicago and Around the Country for BitTorrent Copyright Defense A lot of movie companies are suing parents and internet subscribers for copyright infringement. Most often, the company alleges that the internet was used with file sharing software called BitTorrent and sometimes with software called PopcornTime to obtain the

UN4 Productions Suing Chicago Area Internet Users- Free Consultation With Chicago’s Antonelli Law Defense

UN4 Productions Inc is suing a lot of people in Chicago’s federal court. The movie company is alleging its movie, the fighting film Boyka: Undisputed, was obtained for free on the internet instead of paying for it legitimately, online or in the movie theater. According to the UN4 Productions Inc lawsuit this

Venice PI LLC Lawsuit – Here’s the Help & Information You Need by Antonelli Law Defense

The Company behind the Bruce Willis movie “Once Upon a Time in Venice” is Suing Internet Users.  Free Consultation by Antonelli Law Defense The company behind the Bruce Willis movie “Once Upon a Time in Venice”, Venice PI, LLC, is suing internet users for allegedly downloading or “streaming” its movie for free.

Your Kids Can Get You Sued in Federal Court with “Free Movie” Internet Streaming, Downloads – Antonelli Defense & Information

US Families Sued For Free Movie Downloads – Talk with your children, Avoid being sued Each year, thousands of people are sued by movie companies for “free movie” downloads. Whether by using BitTorrent software or a streaming app or website, your children’s internet activities can land you in federal court defending against
Website Apps