Category: BitTorrent

New Yorkers to Get Subpoena Letters for LHF Productions, Inc – Happy Fourth of July!

New York – LHF Productions, Inc. sues for “London Has Fallen” movie torrents.  The court has approved subpoenas to be issued, and ISP letters notifying subscribers of this subpoena and the federal copyright lawsuit will be arriving soon – perhaps this Fourth of July weekend! If you are the account holder for

LHF Productions and Criminal Productions – Carl Crowell Combo

Oregon attorney Carl Crowell has filed several copyright lawsuits in California on behalf of several copyright holders, LHF Productions Inc. and Criminal Productions Inc., alleging that an unnamed “Doe” defendant used BitTorrent to illegally file-share the films “London Has Fallen” and “Criminal.” The lawsuit alleges that LHF Productions Inc. and Criminal Productions Inc.,

Bloomberg BNA Quotes Jeffrey Antonelli on Copyright Litigation, Malibu Media LLC

Bloomberg BNA has published an article about the large increase in federal copyright lawsuits filed by’s owner Malibu Media LLC, quoting attorney Jeffrey Antonelli. The article here is not pay-walled but you may be asked to register. If you or your client receives notice from its ISP that Malibu Media has

LHF Productions Inc Now Suing in Ohio and Colorado

LHF Productions Inc Now Suing in Ohio and Colorado In the past week, LHF Productions Inc has filed copyright infringement lawsuits targeting at least  61 people in Colorado and Ohio over the movie  “London Has Fallen.” LHF Productions.  Last month we reported that copyright holder LHF Productions had  filed lawsuits against over

Follow Torrent Defenders on Twitter @TorrentDefender

Follow us on Twitter!  @TorrentDefender is the Twitter profile for Torrent Defenders, the online presence of the Antonelli Law BT Copyright Defense Group. We defend those accused by Malibu Media LLC and others of BT copyright infringement including LHF Productions, Fathers and Daughters Nevada, QOTD Film Investment, and more. We have defended
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