Defense For Your Strike 3 Holdings Case


If you’re in need of representation for your Strike 3 Holdings LLC lawsuit, the attorneys at Antonelli Law can help. Strike 3 Holdings has filed thousands of copyright infringement lawsuits in federal court over the past few years.

These lawsuits accuse defendants of illegally downloading their adult film content using file-sharing software. Lawsuits filed by Strike 3 Holdings can lead to serious consequences, but with an experienced law firm behind you, you can resolve your case and get back to normal.

Your options in your Strike 3 Holdings case

When you’ve received your subpoena along with the letter from your internet service provider (ISP) alerting you of the lawsuit, it’s important to act quickly. You normally have about 30 days to act before your name is released to Strike 3 Holdings and you are no longer known as John Doe. You should get to know your options and come up with a plan of action.

Your three options are:

  • Settle your lawsuit anonymously
  • File a motion to quash
  • Fight your case in court

Choosing the attorney to represent you in your Strike 3 Holdings lawsuit

Our team has helped thousands of individuals work through the copyright infringement claims made against them. We offer free consultations where we can discuss your lawsuit, your options, and answer any questions you have about the process moving forward. We’ve represented individuals across the united states and are ready to help you through your lawsuit today.

Read a review from a past client:

“Mr. Antonelli is highly knowledgeable regarding internet copyright legal entanglements. His straightforward approach served me very well. There was excellent communication and he demonstrated that he did fight to get my case settled quickly. My case involved Internet Torrent file issues and Mr. Antonelli was the right person to hire. Mr. Antonelli is highly recommended”

To schedule a consultation with Antonelli Law for free and discuss your Strike 3 Holdings case call 312-201-8310 or reach out online.

This is a blog dedicated to updates on copyright infringement cases. We’ve represented over 700 Strike 3 Holdings clients across the US since 2017, and are America’s most experienced BT copyright defense firm; we can represent you in your case. For more information about handling your subpoena visit our main website page for Strike 3 Holdings


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