Strike 3 Holdings LLC in Maryland


A review from a recent Strike 3 Holdings Maryland client:

I really appreciate your patience and professional guidance. Your clarity and lucidity in presenting all possible options as well as the shortest and most elegant path towards each of their solutions is nothing short of amazing virtuosity….

Thank you again for all of your help! If ever you need me for anything in the future, please contact me.

Have you received a subpoena from Strike 3 Holdings LLC in Maryland?

If you’ve received a subpoena, Strike 3 Holdings is accusing someone in your home or office of illegally downloading their content, most likely using file-sharing software such as BitTorrent. Strike 3 Holdings distributes adult films through the subscription-based websites Blacked, Vixen, and Tushy.

There are three ways to handle your Strike 3 Holdings subpoena:

  • Anonymously settling your case
  • Filing a Motion to Quash
  • Preparing to fight your case in court

Can I ignore my Strike 3 Holdings Subpoena?

If you ignore your Strike 3 Holdings subpoena, you risk losing your anonymity. Many people don’t mind losing their anonymity, but it also means you will have fewer options for your Strike 3 Holdings case moving forward.

If you do decide to ignore your subpoena, your internet service provider can release your name to the Strike 3 Holdings’ lawyers. When Strike 3 Holdings receives your name they will likely amend the complaint name in the public court documents and you will be served with a court summons.

Once Strike 3 Holdings LLC has amended the complaint you will have lost your ability to remain anonymous.

Under no circumstances should you ignore a court summons.

We represent Strike 3 Holdings LLC clients nationwide.

Make sure to visit our website for more information on your Strike 3 Holdings LLC lawsuit, or contact us for a free, confidential consultation.

Want to discuss your case with Antonelli Law?

Call: 312-201-8301
Schedule a free consultation: Click here

This is a blog dedicated to updates on copyright infringement cases. We’ve represented over 350 Strike 3 Holdings clients across the US since 2017, and are America’s most experienced BT copyright defense firm; we can represent you in your case. For more information about handling your subpoena visit our main website page for Strike 3 Holdings.


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